When a person suffers from a mental health illness, such as depression or anxiety, the first-line treatments are usually mental therapies and medicines. What isn't always talked about are the variable lifestyle choices that affect our mental health. Making beneficial life choices can be uplifting. While time and financial constraints may restrict a few people's capacities to make such choices, we all can make small but significant changes. This episode provides five lifestyle choices to get you started.
Today, I’m diving deep into a topic that affects so many people: social anxiety. Social anxiety is more than just being shy or introverted—it’s...
The term “intersectionality,” originates from Black Feminist thought by way of Kimberlé Crenshaw, a pioneering scholar, and writer on civil rights, critical race theory,...
Psychological safety refers to an individual's perception or belief that they can express themselves, share ideas, opinions, and concerns without fear of negative consequences...