Imagine yourself as a deep sea diver, a ballroom dancer, a professional athlete, a famous artist, or whatever you can’t imagine. “No, that is not me”, your timid little voice inside your head escapes into your conscious thoughts. Take a moment to reflect on how many times per day your mind rejects what your imagination dreams up. It then may dawn on you as no surprise that many of us live our daily lives with self-limiting behaviors. When we come to realize that it is our own self-limiting thoughts that are creating and constraining our realities, which are keeping us from embodying our imagination, we then can start to take action and move from a restrictive mindset to one where manifesting our goals and dreams is second nature.
Most people in our culture today are so busy running around trying to arrange their lives to be somewhere else. We all want to...
Life is a balancing act and most of us aren’t great at channeling our inner Simone Biles. From our personal lives to the office...
This episode explores how it is never too late to pursue your passion.