“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty “
– Winston Churchill
An optimist, when faced with a problem, tends to find the upside to the situation and starts figuring out ways to solve that problem or ways to turn it around. A pessimist, however, immediately throws up his hands, and yells, “That’s it; it’s all over. I can’t handle this anymore.” Or he will distance himself from the problem, pretending it doesn’t matter. This is denial, and it never works.
According to the world's foremost expert on optimism, Dr. Martin Seligman, everyone is born optimistic. And yet, 95% of grownups are pessimists, not optimists. What goes wrong? Some people see the glass as half empty. Others see it as half full. This episode explores is it really as simple as that? Is it possible to be a bit of both?
Mindfulness Meditation to encourage the body to relax.
This episode provides tips to be a inspirational leadership.
Power words can change your life in many ways. Focusing on using power words will assist you in becoming the best version of yourself.